Dahmer Tours

By BAM Marketing and Media, Historic Tours Division (other events)

44 Dates Through Jun 30, 2012
Jeffrey Dahmer, one of the nation's most notorious serial killers made Milwaukee his home. He didn't begin there, but he certainly left his everlasting imprint on a city that would rather forget he ever existed. Some bloodstains cannot be scrubbed clean, no matter what attempt to erase them. To meet them head on and explain their origins, rather than attempt to cover them, the Dahmer Tours have begun.

If the life of Jeffrey Dahmer were laid out, you could take a kitchen knife and carefully cut a section out for closer examination. As you tore into this vital piece and its inner workings, you could turn it over, pull it apart, and continue to dissect it. Here is where you would find a trail he forged, time and again in his last years. Hunting, pacing, preying, and eventually luring his victims into his sickening mad world.
The Dahmer Tours will walk you down the path that Milwaukee's monster had trod, giving you the only available inside view of his hunting grounds.

BAM Marketing and Media, Historic Tours Division